Prof.Sambhajirao Kadam College, Deur

Shri Mudhaidevi Shikshan Sanstha's
Affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur


Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)


A ‘Code of Conduct’ in an academic institution refers to a set of rules, principles, and ethical standards designed to guide the behaviour and actions of students. It serves as a framework for maintaining a respectful, fair, and academically conducive environment.

Code of Conduct for Students @ PSKCD
  • Maintain the college discipline strictly.
  • Mobile Phones for Personal/ Non-Educational Use are NOT ALLOWED in the College premises in any case.
  • Student should carry the valid Identity Card issued by the college.
  • Ragging is punishable offence. Students involved in ragging will be punished as per the existing rules and regulations.
  • College display variety of notices, instructions or information on the college Notice Board. Students shall observe it regularly.
  • Irregular students/ students having attendance less than 75% will not get any concession/ scholarship any such application will not be forwarded for the final examinations/s (refer to ordinance 30 to 37).
  • Every student should see the prescribed syllabus for the concerned course and take note of all rules and regulations.
  • Students should take maximum benefit of the Certificate Courses, the Lead College Activities and Community College Scheme.
  • When the Examination programme of the University gets declared, students should verify the same and, if there is/are any charge/s to be made, s/he should communicate it in writing within the given time.
  • Money/ Cash/ DD sent to the University should be payable to the Finance and Accounts Officer, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
  • Students can obtain the print of their result from the university web.
  • Students can avail the facility of revaluation after getting photocopy of the assessed answer book by applying to the University.
  • To fill in the online admission form, online scholarship form, online examination form is the sole responsibility of the students. College will not be responsible for any academic loss in case of students’ negligence.
  • It is mandatory for all the students to attend all lectures, practical’s, tests, tutorials, seminars, examinations etc.
  • The student should take their work seriously and maintain at most discipline to keep up the dignity of institution.
  • If student is found indulging in any act of indifference he/she may be terminated from college.
  • The use of unfair means by students at any examination will invite severe punitive and disciplinary action under rules and regulation now in force.
  • Students are not permitted to circulate any printed materials or pamphlets without the permission of the Principal.
  • During leisure hours students should go to the study room, library or internet browsing centre.
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