Prof.Sambhajirao Kadam College, Deur

Shri Mudhaidevi Shikshan Sanstha's
Affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur




Vison & Mission

‘Bahujan Hitay’ (Institution for the Welfare of the Masses)

The institutional motto is clubbed with ‘Explore, Innovate, Research and Excel’ opening the doors of higher education and making higher studies accessible and affordable to the rural youths irrespective of caste, creed, religion, gender, and socio-economic class for the welfare of the society.

  • ‘To nurture the students fully endowed materially, intellectually and morally, equipping them with specialized knowledge and skills in the fields of emerging professions, instill good citizenry to transform them into an empowered and responsible youth’.

We, as the institution, are committed with dedicated seamless efforts to promoting and fostering a culture of high-quality education through transacting learner-centric technology-enabled pedagogy, thus thereby, catering to the changing cliental needs of the learner learners; and serving the societal needs by encouraging and promoting excellence in research, extension services through socially advantageous outreach activities to ensure functional institute-society connect.

  • To aim at holistic development of the learners equipping them with highly specialized professional skills in emerging areas to enhance professional/ entrepreneurial capabilities enabling them to secure gainful and sustainable employment.
  • To contribute to national development by way of developing human resources of high calibre through focused quality education
  • To create a sense of responsibility and discipline in terms of regularity, sincerity and punctuality among the learners to shape them into responsible, respectable and prudent citizens of India.
  • To create scientific temper, to inculcate democratic traits, and gender equality and also to create a feeling of corporate life among the learners and to prepare them to face the challenges of the emerging global situation.
  • To adopt ICT-enabled learner-centric pedagogy by leveraging cutting-edge technology to ensure effective academic delivery.
  • To impart skill-based vocational/ job-specific training to prepare the skilled human resource in collaboration with business/ industry.
  • To sensitize the learners on inclusivity, and social, cultural and environmental issues through curricular, extracurricular, and extra-mural programmes/ activities.
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