Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
The Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) has been established in our college as per the guidelines of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). This is a structured mechanism aimed at fostering a culture of continuous quality enhancement and sustenance across academic and administrative domains. It serves as a catalyst for conscious, consistent, and catalytic improvement in the institution’s overall performance. By implementing systematic quality measures, it ensures efficiency, transparency, and accountability in institutional processes while promoting research, innovation, and excellence in teaching-learning practices. IQAS focuses on integrating a quality-centric approach into all institutional activities to meet evolving academic standards and stakeholder expectations.
This system is being operationalized through the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college. IQAC formulates quality assurance strategies, including formulating yearly IQAS, incorporating benchmarking, setting goals to be achieved during the year and facilitating the preparation of the Academic Calendar. Moreover, monitoring regular meetings of the statutory committees, following PBAS, Feedback, automation, organizing seminars/ conferences based on cross-cutting issues of national importance, organizing social awareness programmes, and conducting programmes under ISR have been done. Monitoring MIS and LMS, conducting SIP, AAA, NIRF, AISHE, ISO, and the timely submission of AQAR is IQAC’s contribution to institutionalizing quality assurance strategies and processes.
The institute has evolved a comprehensive mechanism, academic and administrative audit procedures and practices to review and document periodically the teaching-learning process, structure, and methodology, to take mid-term corrective steps through IQAC to ascertain its efficacy and continuous improvement in learning outcomes.
- To develop and implement quality benchmarks for academic and administrative activities.
- To create a framework for consistent and catalytic improvements in institutional performance.
- To document all quality-related activities and ensure feedback from stakeholders.
- To ensure integration of quality initiatives in institutional activities.
- Conducting intensive periodical SWOC analysis for incremental performance improvement.
- Setting up of Academic Calendar and its strict adherence.
- Seeking Annual Academic planning.
- Maintaining Academic Diary.
- Review of Teaching-learning pedagogical methodology with a focus on experimental learning.
- Review of learning outcome by way of analyzing the semester/ year-end results.
- Review of the use of ICT in teaching-learning, including e-content development / Learning Resources.
- Review of implementation, and quality enhancement initiatives about recommendations/ suggestions as reflected in PTR.
- Review of the analyzed feedback reports on the teaching programme.
- Review of vocational / skill development / preparatory / capability enhancement programme.
- Supporting the institution’s efforts in accreditation and ranking processes.
- Encouraging innovation, research, and best practices.
Quality Assurance Strategies & Processes
The Internal Quality Assurance System under the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed to institutionalizing the Quality Assurance Strategies and processes which include:
- Regular meetings of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC).
- Timely submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to NAAC.
- Feedback from stakeholders collected, analyzed and used for improvements.
- Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) conducted and its follow-up action.
- Participation in NIRF, ISO Certification.
- Review of Teaching Learning process, Structures and Methodologies of operations and Learning outcomes at periodic intervals.
- Collaborative quality initiatives, MOUs and AMCs.
- Planning programmes for Internship, On-the-Job training, Placement Drives.