(02371) 254368, Sanstha: (02371) 254227

Support Services

Institutional Support Schemes to the needy students


Student Aid Fund


Although, of the total enrolment, above 90% students are covered under the various scholarships, free ships provided under the government schemes, the institution being located in rural and drought prone area, the students coming from farmers and economically weaken families are faced with the financial problem of meeting the uncovered expenses under the scholarships/free ships, commuting and other incidental expenses.


At present, besides these scholarships/concessions, the institution gives the concessions in fees by way of waiving in full/part, remittance in instalments, support through Student Aid Fund, financial support from faculty and staff.


To formalise the modes of concessions and informal way of providing financial aid which are in place; and to enhance the spectrum of the financial support to the needy students coming from economically weaker families; thereby enabling them to pursue higher studies, the Institution proposes to initiate the ‘Institutional financial support’ scheme with the objective of providing financial support to the needy students, covering the uncovered part of the college fees, commuting cost and incidental expenses borne by the students.



  1. Fee waiver for 2.5% students who are not covered under any scholarships and/or uncovered part of the fees.
  2. ‘Adopting one student by each faculty/staff’ for three years covering fees/uncovered part of the fees and commuting cost.
  3. Adopting a daughter/son of the martyr’s family for three years covering fees/uncovered part of fees and commuting cost.


Selection procedure:


  1. A committee for ‘Student Aid Fund’ shall invite the applications from the desirous students in the beginning of the academic year;
  2. Committee shall scrutinise the applications and finalise the beneficiary on the basis of desirability, genuinely case by case.
  3. Committee shall allot to each faculty/staff one student to be adopted.
  4. The schemes shall be published in prospectus and web portal.

Student Aid Fund Committee:

Sr. No.




Dr. Bhosale Bharat Namdeo

President, PSKCD


Mr. Kadam Bhimrao Shamrao

Sanstha Representative


Asst. Prof. Shelar Ashok Raghunath



Dr. Chavare Shivaji Uddhav



Mr. Pawar Harshal Bhimsen



Shri. Santosh Kondiram Kadam


To enhance the spectrum of the scheme and its sustenance, the institution shall explore to seek the financial support from the NGOs and Philanthropies.