(02371) 254368, Sanstha: (02371) 254227

C.7 Institutional Values and Best Practices AQAR 2022-23

7.1.1 QIM

01. Annual gender sensitization action plan 2022-23
02. Facilities for Women on Campus
03 Activities showing Mix-gender participation

7.1.2 QnM

7.1.2 Geotagged Photographs
A Report on Go Green and Clean Campaign
ISR – Bichukale
ISR – Deur, Dahigaon, Palshi, Tadawade and Bichukale
Policy Document- Green Accounting and Auditing

7.1.3 QIM

1. Relevant documents
7.1.3 Geotagged Photographs of the facilities
A Report on Go Green and Clean Campaign
Policy Document- Green Accounting and Auditing

7.1.4 QnM

7.1.4 (1) Geotagged Photographs
A Report on Go Green and Clean Campaign
Policy Document- Green Accounting and Auditing

7.1.5 QnM

7.1.5 Geotagged Photographs
ISR – Bichukale
ISR – Deur, Dahigaon, Palshi, Tadawade and Bichukale

7.1.6 QnM

7.1.6 (1) Report on environment auditing
7.1.6 (2) Certification by the auditing agency
7.1.6 (3) Certificates of the Awards Received 1
7.1.6 (4) Report on Environmental Promotional Activities 1
7.1.6 Policy Document – Green-Audit-Initiatives
ISR – Deur, Dahigaon, Palshi, Tadawade and Bichukale

7.1.7 QnM Geotagged photographs Policy document and information brochure. Details of the Software procured for providing the assistance Provision for enquiry and info

7.1.8 QIM

Bhaidooj An Institutional Social Engagement Programme 26.10.2022
Supporting documents on the information provided

7.1.9 QIM

(1) Sensitization of students to the constitutional obligations
Bhaidooj An Institutional Social Engagement Programme 26.10.2022

7.1.10 QIM

(1) Code of ethics policy document
(2) Monitoring committee, minutes, programmes organized report
Code of Conduct

7.1.11 QIM

1. Annual Report – Celebration of Days, Events and Festivals 2022-2023
2. Geotagged photographs of some of the events – 2022-23
3. Index


7.2 Revised Best Practice (Library)
7.2.1 Best Practice (1)


7.3.1 Institutional Distinctiveness